The Addictions to Pornography

So just clicking on this article probably struck your interest somehow. Maybe it is because it seems Pornography is everywhere and you are trying to prevent it on your computer. Maybe you have a problem with Pornography. Maybe you know someone with a problem in porn. Whatever the reason, you cannot deny the word pornography as a very popular topic.

Do you think Porn is dangerous to our society? Do you think porn can be, just perhaps a danger to our children? The real threat comes from those who would take advantage of kids who naively reveal personal information about themselves. Rebellious preteens are especially at risk, because they may not take parental warnings seriously
. The more children who risks themselves to view porn, the more our society takes a risk as a whole to our morals and more importantly our families.

So we know that porn can be a danger to our children and families as well as ourselves of course. But is Porn really addictive? How much so? Is it more addictive then drugs?? Some of our Congress members have determined that online porn addiction is as bad as crack or heroin addiction. Pornography addicts have a more difficult time recovering from their addiction than cocaine addicts, since coke users can get the drug out of their system, but pornographic images stay in the brain forever. Pornography really does, unlike other addictions, biologically cause direct release of the most perfect addictive substance. The brain really does release certain chemicals in sexual arousal. The images can stay in our brain over a substantial period of time.

Regardless of any technical definition of internet porn, there is something clearly powerful about internet porn. Something simply anyone can do is just go in Google or Yahoo or MSN and type the word “Porn” in the search bar and see how many results come up. This is not just like picking up a magazine at a liquor store or going to an adult store. You cannot see “millions” of these stores just around the corner like the use of the internet.

So maybe we should just not type in porn? Sounds pretty simple right? Don’t type in any nasty words and you should be fine. However, you will see sexual ads displayed all over the internet, television, magazine and even the radio. Sex sells and it is just plain obvious. The advertisers know just how big sexual advertising is. So as you know, the sex industry can be just to overwhelming for some to handle. The costs of sexual addiction can range from emotional and physical health problems to legal, professional, and familial disorders. Many sex addicts suffer from broken relationships. Forty percent experience severe marital and other relationship problems. Even the partners of sex addicts may develop their own addictions and compulsions, psychosomatic problems, or depression and other emotional difficulties.

This is the reason I am writing about addictions to pornography. Actually it is addictions to sexual advertising which definitely can lead to addictions to pornography. This is a huge problem for our world and really needs to be paid attention to like never before. Getting the word out about these addictions and problems in our society is what I intend to do. I am sincerely hopeful this message spreads just as fast as the advertising sex ads, the release of these chemicals sex arousals in our brains and the growing popularity in the subject. Thank you for reading!

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